Friday, January 7, 2011

Why Was The Lobotomobile Never Pulled Over? - A Review Of Howard Dully's "My Lobotomy"

Dr. Freeman can perform 23 lobotomies a day and have you cured faster than you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! No need for hospitalization; take it from the DOCTOR himself who has practiced on countless grapefruits; there's no reason to be concerned with "all that germ crap". Try this quick fix for depression, schizophrenia, or even a pesky stepson who wont behave no matter how much you beat him.

Well we've seen before how well this 50's fad solution worked with McMurphy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Rosemary Kennedy who spent their post-lobotomy days drooling and soiling themselves while staring blankly at walls.

Howard Dully (right), a former patient of Freeman's and author of "My Lobotomy" is a surprisingly articulate writer for having had his brains scrambled but his talent lies not in literary genius but more in the art of capturing a regrettable act in history.

Freeman drove around in his "lobotomobile" and performed BRAIN SURGERY with a household ice pick; this book tragically holds your attention much luck a car wreck.

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